So here I am at 10 weeks and 3 days along (my ticker is a tad off). Don't mind the sweatpants, it's Sunday and the whole fam is just chillin. Rhianna, Jamison, AND Daddy are sleeping away! :-)
I still have a little morning sickness now and then but it's not bad. I am hungry a lot more than before though! Tomorrow I go in for a prenatal physical so maybe I will be able to hear the heartbeat! I hope so. I feel bad though because I am not as excited for this pregnancy as with the other ones. I watched a 3 yr old girl and her 2 month old brother last night for our friends (it was a date night for them). It was alright, the kids did fine but DH was stressing over work and school and of course Jamison was super jealous. I think I am more nervous than anything. I worry about DH handling 4 kids. I mean it's not ordinary circumstances....he has just come back from war and has PTSD and is trying to finish his Bachelors and trying to retire AND the new baby all in the next 8 months! Granted it's not easy for me either but I worry all the same.
I worry about the baby integrating in the family and the jealousy that will come. I know God had us get pregnant for a reason but sometimes I get so worried about everything that sometimes I wonder why He did this. all I keep saying though is I def want to get something done permanently so I don't get pregnant anymore.
Oh and then I feel horrid about even feeling this way. Of COURSE I love this baby and WILL love him/her regardless. I don't want my baby to ever think that they weren't wanted because they ARE. I just worry about the future and hope that everything falls into place.
And then my Christian mind takes over and logic says all I have to do is put my trust in Him and He will take care of everything. Argh but it's not easy