Today there is nothing going on, I mean nothing. Chores chores and then pick up DD#1 from school, and then make dinner, clean up and bed. That's the jist of my day today. I don't have too much to report but I figured I need to leave something for my audience to read.
Baby is doing fine, I have a prenatal appt on Thursday (routine) and then an ultra-sound on the following Monday. Not to find out the sex of the baby (Army policy says the ultra-sound tech can't tell me) but to measure the baby's growth and whatnot. If I want to find out the sex, I have to wait and schedule another ultra-sound with a civilian tech who works for the Army there at the hospital. apparently, she doesn't fall under the same rules as the enlisted technicans do. I am hoping its a boy so send me plenty of boy dust! *~*~*~
DH is doing alright, chugging along trying to finish his bachelors degree. He's usually bogged down with 3-7 hours of homework on any given day (and that's AFTER a 12 hour workday!) So we hardly see him anymore.
DD#1 had a sleepover at her gymnastics studio this past Saturday. They stayed up until midnight playing games and having fun. But poor thing looked like a zombie when I picked her up!! I remember staying up like I swear I am too old to stay up past 11!!!
DD#2 loves gymnastics as well. That's all she talks about and I am thinking of letting them go twice a week as school is getting out soon for summer break and I don't have to pay for DD#1's lunches for school. Of course then there's swim lessons to consider too!
DS is fine. Apparently a dare-devil too! We have a corner shelf by one end of the kitchen counters. DS figured out how to use them as a ladder and DH caught him wandering around on the counter yesterday!!! Talk about scary! Now I have to find a new spot for that shelf before Bubbah get's up there and falls and busts his head open!
Another note, I am still planting in the front yard, when its done I will post a few pix, but right now it doesn't look like much.