May 19, 2006

Ultra-sound pic (finally)

Here's a pic of the baby they gave me during my ultra-sound on the 9th! It was supposed to be a pic of the face, but all they could get was the skull!! Oh well, close enough anyway....I think there's a foot on the right of the pic too.

So anyway, here it is for those that want to see. They said the baby is about a pound now so its getting BIG!

May 18, 2006

Alone Again...

DH had to go out of town for work and won't be back until Monday. So here I am alone with the kiddos this weekend. Hmmm now what do to get us out of the house so we don't drive each other nuts?? :-) I actually drove by a small street carnival just setting up yesterday so I might take the kids to that this weekend. You know one of those cheapie scary set-up-in-2-days carnival?? If we go I will try to get a pic or 2.

I had an ultra-sound on the 9th to check the growth of the baby. They said everything looked good except they couldn't get a good view of the heart valves so they have to do another u/s (ultra-sound) in 6 weeks. The tech tried to see the sex of the baby and couldn't get a real good look at that either but she *thought* it might be a girl. So for now I am thinking pink, but we shall see. Another I had hoped it would be a brother for DS but both my girls have wanted another baby sister. I wil be happy either way, I just pray God gives me lot's of grace if it is a girl!! When they all hit their teens it'll be trouble!

DD#1's last day of K-4 is tomorrow. She's excited to be getting bigger and is already looking forward to K-5 and telling me all the supplies we need to get for her! LOL Can you tell the girl loves school?? :-) I will be homeschooling DD#2 through preschool this coming year and we'll enroll her in the Christian school when she's 4. Saves a little money and I like to keep them close as long as possible!

Umm....not much else going on around here. Just yard work, I am thinking of planting a strawberry patch for the girls while DH is out of town. Something to keep us busy anyway.

I will leave you with some parting shots of my DDs with their butterfly garden. They got a kit and were sent some live catterpillers in the mail. They grew the catterpillers and saw them turn into cocoons and eventually into "Painted Lady" butterflies. Here they are releasing them (the directions said Painted Lady Butterflies are indiginous to almost all of the US so we could let them go in our yard).

May 01, 2006

Another pile of laundry

Today there is nothing going on, I mean nothing. Chores chores and then pick up DD#1 from school, and then make dinner, clean up and bed. That's the jist of my day today. I don't have too much to report but I figured I need to leave something for my audience to read.

Baby is doing fine, I have a prenatal appt on Thursday (routine) and then an ultra-sound on the following Monday. Not to find out the sex of the baby (Army policy says the ultra-sound tech can't tell me) but to measure the baby's growth and whatnot. If I want to find out the sex, I have to wait and schedule another ultra-sound with a civilian tech who works for the Army there at the hospital. apparently, she doesn't fall under the same rules as the enlisted technicans do. I am hoping its a boy so send me plenty of boy dust! *~*~*~

DH is doing alright, chugging along trying to finish his bachelors degree. He's usually bogged down with 3-7 hours of homework on any given day (and that's AFTER a 12 hour workday!) So we hardly see him anymore.

DD#1 had a sleepover at her gymnastics studio this past Saturday. They stayed up until midnight playing games and having fun. But poor thing looked like a zombie when I picked her up!! I remember staying up like I swear I am too old to stay up past 11!!!

DD#2 loves gymnastics as well. That's all she talks about and I am thinking of letting them go twice a week as school is getting out soon for summer break and I don't have to pay for DD#1's lunches for school. Of course then there's swim lessons to consider too!

DS is fine. Apparently a dare-devil too! We have a corner shelf by one end of the kitchen counters. DS figured out how to use them as a ladder and DH caught him wandering around on the counter yesterday!!! Talk about scary! Now I have to find a new spot for that shelf before Bubbah get's up there and falls and busts his head open!

Another note, I am still planting in the front yard, when its done I will post a few pix, but right now it doesn't look like much.