July 15, 2005

I CAN Crochet!!

okay so I think I finally have a handle on this whole crochet business. I started a little handbag for my daughter the other day and I actually FINISHED it! LOL Amazing, isn't it? Well, if you would have seen me trying to learn to crochet the first time it WOULD be amazing! I swear my brain must have been on "retard mode" that day or something. My church was having a "Ladies Night" and we were all learning to crochet. Well, everyone was making these great potholders and here I was with this thing that looked like it could be a really fat shoelace or maybe a Barbie apron (if you REEALLY stretched your imagination! LOL so I gave that up real quick.

So I move onto knitting and voila it's SO much easier! Two needles instead of a little weird hook...I can deal with this! So I spend the next 4 months knitting to my hearts content. Until I had to move that is. Here I was facing a 9 hours flight over the Atlantic and I couldn't take my knitting needles. So reluctantly I pick up the dreaded hook again and buy myself a "how to crochet for complete morons" and spend most of the flight trying to learn the elusive art.

Anyways...long story short I managed to practice a lot of stitches but never really made anything recognisable. UNTIL today that is!! LOL

Anyways, here is my little creation...my DD#1 just woke up so pardon the bedhead look! :-)


StarKnits said...

i can't see the pix but i'm sure it's lovely! go Kell!

Pamela Foreman said...

I can't see the picture either! I want to see what you made! I'm proud you finally got it down! I'm going to have Allena teach me to knit before I leave!