December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!

Well the turkey is in the oven and the green bean casserole is almost done! The kiddos are surrounded by toys and wrapping paper watching "Noggin" and here I sit when I should be upstairs cooking. Well it's only our family here this year so I don't need to worry about entertaining anyone! Anyway, my green beans are steaming so I have to go....but here's a little something picked up from my friend Allena...

Your Elf Name Is...

Giggles Hot Chocolate

Have a Merry Christmas and HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!!!

December 21, 2005

Fingerless mittens....sort of

So here's the right mitten in a pair I am making for my Mom. They are made of wool and will keep her digits nice and toasty warm! Considering she lives in the UP of Michigan she'll need 'em!!! Also she uses a wheelchair for mobility so I thought this pattern would be perfect! She could still wear a mitten and use the joy-stick on the wheelchair. She can't use her left hand very much at all so i am just going to make it kind of like a sock. I made the cuff extra long in case her coat sleeves ride -up on her arm when it's on the armrest.

Other than that I am just getting ready for Christmas like everyone else. Well, sorry this is so short but my kids are getting into trouble!

December 12, 2005

Pink pink and more pink

Here's the finished product of the Breast Cancer awareness scarves. I like the pink fuzzy one myself! They were both extremely easy projects and helped me pass the time while DH was away.

Now I am trying to decide what to start on now. I really want to try my hand at socks but the local Michaels doesn't have any DPN small enough....or circular. So I think I will have to talk DH into a Christmas present for me. lol No diamonds please, just needles!

Other than that my life has been pretty boring. I have decided though that I am not working hard enough (roll eyes) so I have put an ad in the local paper for home daycare. Taking on 1 or 2 children will help suppliment our income when we most need it I think. That's the only thing I can think of to do to earn a little green.

So I will let y'all know if I have any "hits" on my classified ad within the next week.


December 08, 2005

Do we have snow, or rain?

So I look outside and I'm like, "Cool! Snow!" and then I run to get the camera to take a pic for you lovely people and no, not snow but rain. So it's a really nasty day today!!!! Frozen streets and I have to go get DD#1 from school in 2 hours!! least my truck has 4 wheel drive!!!

Soooo while the weather outside is frightful I have been inside knitting so delightful .... (what?)

I have finished the hat for my nephew and here's Bubbah being the model for you (I distracted him with the snow-rain)

And here's a scarf for MIL. I bought one of those kits that donates money to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. MIL's sister died from Infammatory breast cancer 4 years ago so this touches her and my hearts. BTW ladies! Have you done your monthly self-exam? Want to know how, click here

So I after this scarf is done I have another one (only with eyelash yarn) to make for SIL. Sooo many projects so little time!!

DH is away for the week for work and it so happened that he was in Detroit right when the Red Wings were playing so OF COURSE he had to go!!! And here I sit with loads of housework and screaming kids and he's "working" so hard! LOL I want a job like that!! Okay I have to give him credit he DID work for like 12 hours before he went to the hockey game....but still!

I am still trying to get FLYlady down pat. It really takes a month to begin new habits. And then I like to procrastinate and not clean. Then too there's knitting and crochet calling what's a girl to do?

December 05, 2005

Happy Holidays or Bah Humbug?

Well the tree is up and all the decorations are in place. Are you one of those people who feel "happy and gay" or sad around this time of year? It's bittersweet for me. Right now I am so thankful to God for having my DH with me this year and not in Iraq!!! But also I have made such good friends that I miss them terribly! We had such fun last year! Two of my closest buds spent the night with kids, dogs, and everything. We had a great time together celebrating Christ's birth. This year as I was putting up the tree I remembered all the good times we had together. And the bonds of friendship were made that much stronger because our hubbies were gone. I mean, we were all in the same situation struggling with the same fears, and we all became sisters. I don't have blood sisters but believe me this bond is just as strong if not stronger.

I am done with felted clogs #2! Well, pre-felted anyway. They are for my MIL and she isn't around to size them. I will post a pic when they are done. Also I just started a winter hat for my nephew. It's a varigated green/yellow/blue yarn from Red Heart. Yeah its crappy yarn but it's really cool colors so I can put up with the rough texture. I plan on making him and my son a matching hat and pair of mitts. Soooo when I am done there will be pix of those too. (as you can tell I am too lazy to post anything now!)

Sooo my Dh is gone for awhile so I am off to mickey-Dee's for dinner. They have a play-place to take the kids and get them outa my hair, um I mean let them play. LOL