December 12, 2005

Pink pink and more pink

Here's the finished product of the Breast Cancer awareness scarves. I like the pink fuzzy one myself! They were both extremely easy projects and helped me pass the time while DH was away.

Now I am trying to decide what to start on now. I really want to try my hand at socks but the local Michaels doesn't have any DPN small enough....or circular. So I think I will have to talk DH into a Christmas present for me. lol No diamonds please, just needles!

Other than that my life has been pretty boring. I have decided though that I am not working hard enough (roll eyes) so I have put an ad in the local paper for home daycare. Taking on 1 or 2 children will help suppliment our income when we most need it I think. That's the only thing I can think of to do to earn a little green.

So I will let y'all know if I have any "hits" on my classified ad within the next week.


1 comment:

Pamela Foreman said...

The scarves look great! You did an awesome job! Were they knitted or crocheted? Hope the childcare works out!