March 09, 2005

home Sweet home

I think my husband and I are really starting to mesh as a family again. I am still so relieved and so thankful to God that He brought my DH back to me! The girls are head-over-heels for Daddy and my DS loves him too (another man in the house besides the dog! LOL)

The snow is starting to melt...and we had a day of sun last week! I know I complained about the cold weather and no snow but now it's time to complain about no sun! That one day made me realize how much I've missed sunshine and warmth! lol I am originally from California so I MISS THE SUN!

DS rolled over for the first time this past Saturday! I am so proud of the little guy! He also sits up really well if you prop him. No teeth yet although he's a drooling fool; and YUCK! I HATE drool!!! x-(

The baby cardigen was going alright until i realized I must have messed up. I was doing the neck shaping and it sid to continue in the pattern until the piece was 7 1/2 inches from the beginning. well I think I was measuring from somewhere other than the beginning because the "neck" now dips WAY too far down! Ah well the baby isn't due until May so i have time!

March 03, 2005

I've been tagged!!!

Here's my little survey from Allena of!

1 How much space is left on your TIVO?
What's a TiVo? J/K we, being over here in Germany don't have a TiVo but perhaps when we get back to the states...which is coming up soon!! Oh I miss cable I am looking forward to HGTV and TLC and the Discovery Channel!!!

2 Have you ever bought a tv series, if so which ones?
Yes, "Everybody loves Raymond", "SmallVille", "The Family Guy" (husband's choice), and "Gillmore Girls". I got DH hooked on "SmallVille" and I am looking forward to the 4th season! I like "Gillmore Girls" when I am feeling esp girlie, although it always makes me want to drink a lot of java! LOL

3 what was the last tv show you watched before this post?
"Blind Date" last night. That show cracks me up! I swear I have never seen so many ditzy, drunk, horney, just plain weird people in my LIFE!!

4 what 5 tv shows can't you live with out.....
Ummm "Amazing Race" (which BTW I am greatly looking forward to the new season starting on the 6th!!); "Blind Date" is good for a few laughs; I used to watch all those blood and guts ER and medical shows on TLC so anything like that is cool; "SmallVille" cause Super man is the bomb! LOL; ummm I don't watch too much TV so I have to think. I guess "Trading Spaces" is neat to watch. I could use some decorating ideas!

5 who are 3 people you're going to tag....I only know Allena who has a blog so I guess no one! LOL I am a sad little person with no friends! J/K!!

March 02, 2005

Here is my sexy hubby back from iraq! You can tell we are both ecstatic to see one another! Those smiles are breaking our cheeks off! LOL I am SOOOOOO happy he's here. That's the back of my boy's head. Poor thing was screaming through the whole "welcome home" ceremony. It was too loud with all those crazy ladies screaming lol. look how white I am compared to him! It's like 13 degrees here and he came from 65 in the sand. Oh how I miss the sun!!! Posted by Hello

Busy busy!

My Dh has been back from Iraq for a week! I am so happy to have him home, as are the kiddos! LOL we are trying to readjust to being a family again. It has been a bumpy road already, but I know God is with us helping us as we go! My daughters are sooooo happy to have him here and my son is all smiles (although it's a rare occasion when he ISN'T smiling) The girls are constantly climbing all over him and bugging him, but I know he loves it!

I am still working on that cardigen for my friend. I have the back 1/2 way done. With DH being here I don't find as much time to knit as I used to have. But I am still trying to sneak it in here and there! LOL Once you learn to knit it seems like you ALWAYS need to have a project going. after this I need to make something else for another friend's baby!

Well I will post some more pics soon! Happy Blogging!