March 06, 2006

waaaay too long!

So it's been a LOOOOONG time since I posted anything on here! I wish I could say I have been busy, partially yes, but mostly just tired and dealing with kids' stuff.

Malayah had a "Fun Horse Show" this weekend. It was hosted through the farm where she takes lessons. She was in 7 different classes and didn't place in any of them. :-( I felt so bad but she had several odds stacked against her. Number one: the night before she had come down with a cold and I thought she was going to be fine but at the horse show she went downhill and got a fever. But she refused to quit (my brave girl) and rode in all her classes. So she was feeling pretty crappy. And Number Two: in all of the classes they had little ones and high schoolers and adults competing all together so OF COURSE hardly any of the little ones received ribbons. I mean here's my daughter who has only been riding 8 months and she's pitted against a girl almost 4 times her age with about 10 + yrs experience on her. ARGH makes a Momma mad.

So anyway after we get back from that my other 2 kids get sick as well. So DH and I are trying our best to help them get well and STAY well ourselves! I bought DH some "airborne" immune booster stuff (I can't take it because of the herbs) and a big jug of "GermX" and that new clorox spray . Dh is working 12-14 hour days so he can't afford to get sick! And of course I already feel pretty crappy sometimes and a fever is never good during pregnancy so I pray I don't get it either!!!

I have been in a creative funk lately, my panta I started forever ago is only 1/2 done. I want to move on but really, I NEED to finish this before I go to something else. I want to make my middlest DD a hat for spring. She got a red Santa dress complete with Santa hat for Christmas and has been wearing the hat ever since. She loves the hat but of course, everywhere I go I hear comments about it ("is it Christmas already?") and one little boy about 10 yrs old ran up and started pulling on the pompom on the end while she is trying to keep her hat on and walk away. I thought that was extremely rude!

So I want to make her a more "spring-appropriate" hat. Allena is making one for her DD that I think is the cutest!

But anyway, I will post pix of the horse show in a day or so. The camera is once again upstairs and I am too lazy to go get it right now! LOL TTFN


Muriel said...

You do have a brave little girl!!! Can't wait to see the pics. I hope that you all will soon feel better!

Pamela Foreman said...

I hope that all the kiddos are feeling better! Keep yourself well! Sorry that the horse show was basically rigged. I hate that! I'd been mad too! Miss you!!

StarKnits said...

oh man i'm mad too about that rigged horse show. what's up with that.. almost as annoying as costume contests with adults...
but we won't go there.
yes i'm rolling my eyes. LOL
i hope you don't get sick... ugh
i hope the airborne works for DH