June 06, 2006

Think Pink!

My Dh, my kids, and I were able to go get another ultra-sound *just* to see the sex of the baby and it is a girl! That makes 3 girls and one boy.....poor DH and DS are outnumbered!! (oh and the hat is one the nurse-prac makes for all the moms-to-be. She knit it not me!) She was kicking up a storm and we got to see her little legs kicking me and her mouth and eyes and of course the girl parts. :-) Everything looks good...except my weight gain seems to have sky-rocketed!!! i know I am supposed to gain weight when preggers but after 4 pregnancies it still sucks to see that scale go up and up. Makes me think of all the work I have to do to get my body somewhat back, and after 4 kids I am sure my bod won't ever be the same!

Anyway enough with my pity party here are some ultra-sound shots of the little girlie:

Of course we have the typical profile and floating fist....

And here's another profile but in this one you can see the lips and the one eye closed....cute!

Now that we know she is a she I can start really making preparations. Since we thought we were done with DS I had gotten rid of almost all my baby stuff so unfortunetly have to start from scratch. I started a Target registry for anyone that's interested email me.

Well today should be a nice day so we will have to go out and enjoy our new swing set. Yep Great-grandma gave us some money to buy the kids a swing set!! Its a really nice one so I will get some pix of the kiddos playing on it today. TTFN


StarKnits said...

love it!
the hat maybe that will spark you into knitting for your own precious....

Muriel said...

The hat is adorable! I know it seems depressing to gain weight but you ARE skinny (shake your head in a yes motion....good girl) and you know the weight will come off when you breastfeed.