September 24, 2006

Gwendolynn Autumn is here!

I don't have time to post a formal birth story but I will get to writing that soon! I just wanted to let all of my adoring fans know that I finally have my little girl! She was born 20 Sept at 9:19 pm and stats were 8 lbs 11 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. Her APGARS were 9 and 9! She's the joy of all our lives, a sweet baby who hardly cries and sleeps A LOT! Good thing too as I can get a few things done during her power naps!

Anyway I have to go to the commissary (aka on post grocery store) but here are a few pics of my newest little one!

This is me moments before I started pushing....a last belly shot (I had an epidural so yeah I was smiling!) :-)

Here's baby Gwen at about 12 hours old. AWWW!

Here's my darling DH with DD#2 and Gwen

My ham of a son!

And DD #1


StarKnits said...

wow what a beautiful fam you have! love little gwen i wish i was there to help you guys out. you look soo relaxed i'm sure the epi was WONDERFUL.
miss you love you

Pamela Foreman said...

She's so precious!! So glad she's here and that all is going well. Wish I was there to hold the newest baby girl!!

Sue said...

How beautiful are your children with your new baby. Yes, epidurals do make you smile, especially after 12 hrs of labour like I had for my firstborn. I love her name too, how pretty.