April 08, 2005

Back from the dead

Where have I been you might ask??? Nothing exciting, just mundane everyday work. It seems to have doubled since DH came home for some reason. So laundry and kiddos rule the roost at the moment!

And to my Secret Pal~~ Yes I did get the box and LOVE everything!!! I would post a pic for all to see but DH has built a new puter and that has the camera dock and program on there. I am using the ole stand by puter now so I can actually get online now and then. )Those of you married to computer geeks will understand this! LOL) But anyways, she sent me 2 skeins of this lovely blue cotton yarn! And I am itching to make something with it!! Blue is my fav. color! She also sent me some BLUE stitch markers and a BLUE bracelet; and a little book of faith. OH! and some post-it notes in the shape of a 'K' which is too cool!! Thank you secret pal!!!!!

I totally frogged that cardigen I was working on. I just am retarded or something cause I kept trying to get it right and nothing was working. SO , I have moved on to making a hat. It's called a "petal hat" and looks really pretty and feminine. Liek I said I WOULD post a pic, but.....

Everything else is going smoothly. DH and I are having a blast being back together. Now comes the fun part of moving back to the states. We are waiting for orders to ship everything, and trying to find a house to buy (scary!!!!). Having to take on a morgage is a scary thing!!! But I know God is there and will help us in finding one and eveything. Just have to stay on track with what He wants for us and not get clouded with what WE want.

I joined a knitting circle last month and am looking forward to going again. It was nice to sit and knit with people far more experienced than me. I am hoping some of their wisdom and knitting abilities will rub off on me! LOL

well, we are going swimming today at the local pool, so I must pry my hands away from the keyboard and get ready. LOL I hope to be posting pix soon. I need to get with my friend to figure out how to post more than 1 pic in a post.

God Bless

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