April 25, 2005


It's raining and overcast today and of course I have 1001 chores to do and am totally NOT motivated! You know those days where you just want to sit on your duff and do nothing? That's me! LOL

I started another petal hat for my other preggers friend. I need to find some DPN (double pointed needles) so i can attempt my hand at booties. I haven't been able to find any so far here on post (suprise suprise) so perhaps I need to bite the bullet and order some online.

My little man has a cold and consequently developed an ear infection so we have to force-feed him the lovely pink amoxicilin 4 times a day. He doesn't care for it too much so coughing and spitting tends to spread it everywhere but his mouth. lol My oldest daughter is doing well with her preschool and we are almost done with it.

Well, speaking of school we just finished and now have to get ready for her ballet class....so ttyl!

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