January 31, 2006
Ever have one of those days...
Yes that's 2 cat boxes of litter all over the floor! All I could do was look in horror and try not to scream! I don't know who started it but my son had litter all over in his hair and in his diaper and everything! ARGH! LUCKILY I had just cleaned the cat boxes out like an hour ago.
So to top that all off my morning sickness has officially set in so I already feel like crap and can hardly do all my chores and then this! And this sort of thing has been going on ALL morning long! Let's just say I have picked up cat food that was sprayed all over the floor twice, cleaned up books and laundry that was spread everywhere....and then let's not even go into the dog food in the dog water incident!
I know things will get better....they HAVE to right?
January 30, 2006
Bye Bye kitty
Last night my DH and I dropped all the kids at a friends' and went out to dinner! Our 7th anniversary! I can't believe it's been so long, sometimes it seems like we have known one another for forever and other times it seems like it's gone so fast!
We had wanted to go to Texas Roadhouse but there was a line out the door and we really didn't want to spend an hour of our precious alone time waiting in line. So we went across the street to this little rinky-dink place. They had fairly good food and DH and I had a good time. Afterwards we were driving back and wondering what to do with ourselves! LOL This is KY and there's nothing open after 8pm! Nothing but a Star Bucks in the Barnes and Noble bookstore! So we make a beeline over there and sit and have a coffee and laugh for about an hour until the store closed. Then came to get the tuckered out kiddos and went home.
I really had a fun time...it's nice to realize that even though both of us are soooo busy all the time, that we can still sit down and have fun and talk.
Not much else to update y'all on....I am still preggers and still tired! lol Rhirhi had gymnastics today and had loads of fun! Umm...I think that's all for now! :-)
January 27, 2006
New do part 2!
I went to my prenatal nutrition class today. Nothing we all haven't heard before....don't REALLY eat for 2 blah blah food pyramid blah blah lay off the booze yak yak. :-P Not like I eat THAT terrible anyway, but i am going to TRY to do my best! Rhirhi loves going to the CDC and had a blast today. I actually had to pull her away so we could leave! Bubbah, on the other hand, hated it and cried almost the whole time. :-( That always kills me to know that he's been upset the entire time. He goes to nursery at church so not like he's not used to being left with someone else. I think he's just naturally clingy. Sometimes he doesn't even want to go to Daddy! I haven't been working on DD#1's poncho in over a week. Just too much else going on!
And I called that cat refuge center and basically wouldn't talk about me taking her there. Instead they suggested a "free to good home" ad in the classifieds. So I will try that. Today's the first day and nothing...we'll see.
January 25, 2006
Anyone want a cat?
So, I feel guilty for just dumping her at the pound. She's a great cat if it wasn't for that (she's on my lap as I type). I found an animal rescue place near here that is a no-kill so I think I will give them a call tomorrow.
I enrolled my 2 youngest in the daycare center on post. I can't take them with me to my prenatal appts. and DH isn't available so I have no other option. I was a little apprehensive because I have had several people say bad things about CDC's in general (Child Development Centers) but the staff I met today seem genuinly caring and the place looks clean and fun. Rhi rhi is excited to go to "School" tomorrow (I have a hair appt lol). I am a bit worried about Jamison as I know he's still really clingy. But maybe this will help him get more socialized. sniff sniff...my babies!!!
I have a prenatal nutrition class I have to attend on Friday as well so the kiddos get to go to school 2 days in a row! You'd think I would know to lay off the twinkies being it's my 4th kid but I am sure it's just Uncle Sam checking the block making sure everyone knows that the can't be an alcoholic doughnut freak when preggers!! :-)
Speaking of preggers...ugh my tummy is flipping out so ttfn
January 23, 2006
an update and a whine
And my whine...DH is going AGAIN tonight back to MI for a business trip AND in the next few weeks will be going overseas for a week. Ugh I feel like he's getting to go to all these places and have fun (sometimes) and all I get is kids and housework and headaches (I told you I was gonna whine!) So here I am, yes I am feeling very sorry for myself!! Sigh, AND when I mention me and the kids doing stuff when he's gone he said he'd rather have me wait until he's around to do "family" things. Wellllll what AM I supposed to do then? Wait for forever for him to have some time off so I can get out of the house once in awhile? ARgh.... anyway, he's the bestest hubby and I love him but when a girl is already feeling sorry for herself that isn't the right time to tell her not to do anything "family Oriented" while DH goes off to Europe to eat good food and drink good beer.
well, th-th-th-th-that's all folks :-)
January 18, 2006
Snow Day
Snow! Well, we HAD snow for about 12 hours! LOL that's KY for ya! Rhirhi, Jamison and I enjoyed sledding down our little hill for awhile this morning. I feel bad for my oldest DD because she had to go to school and by the time she came home the snow was all gone! Poor thing kept saying, 'Well, God KNEW I wanted to sled! Couldn't He have kept the snow here until I could come home?' lol too cute...
It is supposed to be 50 degrees tomorrow so go figure that! I wish the snow would have stayed around at least for a few days! The kiddos didn't even have time for a snowman or snowangel!
And since my appointment isn't until Monday, I can't give you any new info on the newest addition, but I can show you my first lack-of-belly shot. Rhirhi took the pic! :-)
So anyway, not too much to say. I keep wanting to try that Panta pattern as I have a lot of wool left over from felted projects. Hmmm...maybe I'll try that another night.
January 17, 2006
aka "Big Fat Positive". yes, I had wondered when Auntie Flo was coming for a visit. When she didn't show I took a test last night and voila! Child #4 is on it's way!!! Wow DH and I are in total shock! We thought for SURE we were done with the whole pregnancy thing....but God had other plans! I really don't know how far along I am because silly me can't remember the last time Auntie was here. I *think* it was around the beginning of December or so. I don't get in to see the doctor until next Monday so I'll have a better idea of when we're due...gulp (and I thought 3 kids drove me nutz!)
We are happy about it, just shocked mainly! But trust me after this one is born I am getting the ole tubes tied! LOL
So I'm off to find one of those nifty tickers....
January 13, 2006
Actual photographic evidence!
Okay okay so it's not BigFoot! Just little ole me in a new do! I have bleached my hair for awhile and accidentally did it wrong one day and half my hair fell out! Well, it was severed 1/2 way off any way. So today I went and got it cut so it actually looks like hair and not a rat's nest. What do you think? I go in next week for the coloring so I will post another pic!
January 11, 2006
Fun with dry erase markers.
And here is what I find:
Ugh, does anyone know how to get this stuff off?? LOL It is kinda funny, she even drew in his ear lobes!!! Sigh, this is what I get having a dry erase board where they can reach it.
PS Ok so baby wipes took it right off! Phew! She had even drew in his HAIR! :-)
January 09, 2006
Tumble Time
Here she is all excited right before the class started...with her cute little leotard! :-p
Here she is on her "spot" after stretching out.
And here's my little monkey doing her first attempt on the bars....very cute!
I am very proud of her and M and little boy J! They are all great kids...what did I do to deserve them? I know I have my moments where I yell a lot and my patience is VERY tiny, but I am really trying to be there for them as much as possible and have fun with them. Allena came across a panta pattern for me! SO I am going to have to try it out!! It looks really cute!
I have to go get M from school so I will blog some more laterz....
January 04, 2006
Ok so now that I have horrified you with my living conditions I want to show you that it is NO MORE!! And the rest of my house IS clean!! LOL So put down the phones and stop trying to dial CPS on me! :-) J/K
well now see what an hour's worth of effort get's you? A nice semi-organized play area with about 30 less toys to fool with. They had a big fischer price doll house (ya know one of those big plastic ones?) you can see it in the other pic. Anyway, that is going to Good Will or to my "free take this crap away" garage sale...lol.
Cleaning like a mad woman today and the house still looks like a wreck. I think it's the carpet that get's me though. It WAS fairly new when we moved in but as you can well imagine, a new carpet plus 3 kids under age 6 = not a pretty sight. I have stains everywhere. DH and I would like to tear up the carpet someday and put hardwood floor in the house BUT that will have to wait for more money and/or that lucky scratch-off lotto ticket. :-) Soooo in the mean time I think it's high time to rent that Rug Dr. We'll see when that happens though, I have been complaining to DH about how I hate to look at my carpet for like 3 months now but not done a thing! LOL
My eldest daughter aka "Sweet Pea" has riding lessons today. She loves horseback riding! I just wish we had more (you guessed it!) money so we could afford for ME to go!
Okay so I am not as greedy as I sound....money money money. We would all like to have more right? But I think it's His will for my fam and I to live as we are. I tried to place an ad for babysitting and didn't get one call (no more ads though! I thought the girl at the paper said it would be $15 for 2 weeks and it was $50!!!) And I really haven't seen any other jobs I can do right now. So budgeting it is! I have set my own spending limit as well as DH's so we'll see how that flies.
But I must go...off to go grocerie shopping and get my DS "Bubbah" to his shot appt. Yes he's only 3 months late for his 1 year well-baby check up but dang I have tried and there were NO appts until now! Too many babies around here I guess!!!
January 03, 2006
Happy New Year!
And (embarrassed as I am) here's a pic of the 3 kiddos's spoils of war...er I mean Christmas. I can't believe how much STUFF the kids got this year!!!!! And since I am FLYing now this makes me crazy!!! So i am going to devote a day sometime this week to cleaning up/organizing this mess. I have had a rule for awhile...one toy in, one toy out! So we are going to do a one-for-one exchange to cut down on this disaster!!!!! One to charity one to keep! (or else Mom is going to go nutz!!)
OMG there was a terrible storm last night and a tornado touched down like 2 miles from my house!!!!!!! We didn't see it over here luckily or I would be in a panic rushing all the kids to hide in the basement. But apparently it tore through a school building and a gas station. yuck. I am from California man I don't do tornados!!!! Luckily no one was hurt that I know of.
So I have been busy with my yarn addiction too! I have finally FINISHED those felted clogs for MIL AND felted them!!!! Lavendar and pink...
I have started crocheting my oldest DD a poncho. It's a really pretty varigated baby yarn from Red Heart....yeah yeah I know yucky yarn. But I am broke and it was pretty darn it!
Blogger is being a butt about posting pix so that's all you get for now! TTFN