January 04, 2006


Ok so now that I have horrified you with my living conditions I want to show you that it is NO MORE!! And the rest of my house IS clean!! LOL So put down the phones and stop trying to dial CPS on me! :-) J/K

well now see what an hour's worth of effort get's you? A nice semi-organized play area with about 30 less toys to fool with. They had a big fischer price doll house (ya know one of those big plastic ones?) you can see it in the other pic. Anyway, that is going to Good Will or to my "free take this crap away" garage sale...lol.

Cleaning like a mad woman today and the house still looks like a wreck. I think it's the carpet that get's me though. It WAS fairly new when we moved in but as you can well imagine, a new carpet plus 3 kids under age 6 = not a pretty sight. I have stains everywhere. DH and I would like to tear up the carpet someday and put hardwood floor in the house BUT that will have to wait for more money and/or that lucky scratch-off lotto ticket. :-) Soooo in the mean time I think it's high time to rent that Rug Dr. We'll see when that happens though, I have been complaining to DH about how I hate to look at my carpet for like 3 months now but not done a thing! LOL

My eldest daughter aka "Sweet Pea" has riding lessons today. She loves horseback riding! I just wish we had more (you guessed it!) money so we could afford for ME to go!

Okay so I am not as greedy as I sound....money money money. We would all like to have more right? But I think it's His will for my fam and I to live as we are. I tried to place an ad for babysitting and didn't get one call (no more ads though! I thought the girl at the paper said it would be $15 for 2 weeks and it was $50!!!) And I really haven't seen any other jobs I can do right now. So budgeting it is! I have set my own spending limit as well as DH's so we'll see how that flies.

But I must go...off to go grocerie shopping and get my DS "Bubbah" to his shot appt. Yes he's only 3 months late for his 1 year well-baby check up but dang I have tried and there were NO appts until now! Too many babies around here I guess!!!


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