January 09, 2006

Tumble Time

So R is finally old enough to do something on her own. Before it was all about big sis M but NOW she can have something all for her! I found a gymnastics and cheer studio that starts classes for 18 months and up and enrolled her in the 3 yr old group. Today was her first day...

Here she is all excited right before the class started...with her cute little leotard! :-p

Here she is on her "spot" after stretching out.

And here's my little monkey doing her first attempt on the bars....very cute!

I am very proud of her and M and little boy J! They are all great kids...what did I do to deserve them? I know I have my moments where I yell a lot and my patience is VERY tiny, but I am really trying to be there for them as much as possible and have fun with them. Allena came across a panta pattern for me! SO I am going to have to try it out!! It looks really cute!

I have to go get M from school so I will blog some more laterz....

1 comment:

StarKnits said...

OH how cute! i'm sure she's going to love it. she looks sooooo darling i miss you guys soooooo much