January 23, 2006

an update and a whine

I went to my first prenatal appoitment today. Basically filling out forms, drawing like 6 tubes of blood, peeing in several cups, AND got to get a quick ultra-sound to see how far along I am. It looks like I am only 5 weeks along and the baby is too small to take accurate measurements so they can't tell me anything more than sometime at the end of Sept is my due date. Still only symptoms I have are being tired and I get pretty shakey when I get hungry and haven't eaten. I am still nursing my 15 month old and the nurse practioner said I'd have to quit that so I could maintain this pregnancy. But I have heard of people nursing and being preggers at the same time....I only nurse him 1-3 times a day so it's not THAT taxing on me. I think I'll look that up on http://www.lalecheleague.org/
And my whine...DH is going AGAIN tonight back to MI for a business trip AND in the next few weeks will be going overseas for a week. Ugh I feel like he's getting to go to all these places and have fun (sometimes) and all I get is kids and housework and headaches (I told you I was gonna whine!) So here I am, yes I am feeling very sorry for myself!! Sigh, AND when I mention me and the kids doing stuff when he's gone he said he'd rather have me wait until he's around to do "family" things. Wellllll what AM I supposed to do then? Wait for forever for him to have some time off so I can get out of the house once in awhile? ARgh.... anyway, he's the bestest hubby and I love him but when a girl is already feeling sorry for herself that isn't the right time to tell her not to do anything "family Oriented" while DH goes off to Europe to eat good food and drink good beer.

well, th-th-th-th-that's all folks :-)


StarKnits said...

well i'm glad things are ok. i hope all goes well if you do need to ween to save the new baby i'm sure big bro will get used to reg milk! i miss you

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that you are feeling down about your hubby leaving. It is refreshing to read your post because I have felt like that sooooo many times. I hope that weening the baby will go smoothly! Love ya!

Pamela Foreman said...

Glad that things are going good. Bummer that Jamie is gone again. I'm sure the weening will be fine! Miss you!