January 31, 2006

Ever have one of those days...

When everything goes wrong? You'd think with only 2 out of the 3 kiddos I'd be doing good (DD#1 is in school) but today is just the opposite. I think they are bored or something cause take a look at this!

Yes that's 2 cat boxes of litter all over the floor! All I could do was look in horror and try not to scream! I don't know who started it but my son had litter all over in his hair and in his diaper and everything! ARGH! LUCKILY I had just cleaned the cat boxes out like an hour ago.

So to top that all off my morning sickness has officially set in so I already feel like crap and can hardly do all my chores and then this! And this sort of thing has been going on ALL morning long! Let's just say I have picked up cat food that was sprayed all over the floor twice, cleaned up books and laundry that was spread everywhere....and then let's not even go into the dog food in the dog water incident!

I know things will get better....they HAVE to right?


Pamela Foreman said...

WHOA! I hope things will get better! I've had one of those days too!

StarKnits said...

lol i'm cracking up here! i'm so sorry. i hope you're feeling better.

Muriel said...

wellllllllllll......Mama always said that there would be days like this.......soooooo sorry! But also soooooo funny!!! I know that you can laugh at this! Hope you are doing better!