December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!

Well the turkey is in the oven and the green bean casserole is almost done! The kiddos are surrounded by toys and wrapping paper watching "Noggin" and here I sit when I should be upstairs cooking. Well it's only our family here this year so I don't need to worry about entertaining anyone! Anyway, my green beans are steaming so I have to go....but here's a little something picked up from my friend Allena...

Your Elf Name Is...

Giggles Hot Chocolate

Have a Merry Christmas and HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!!!

December 21, 2005

Fingerless mittens....sort of

So here's the right mitten in a pair I am making for my Mom. They are made of wool and will keep her digits nice and toasty warm! Considering she lives in the UP of Michigan she'll need 'em!!! Also she uses a wheelchair for mobility so I thought this pattern would be perfect! She could still wear a mitten and use the joy-stick on the wheelchair. She can't use her left hand very much at all so i am just going to make it kind of like a sock. I made the cuff extra long in case her coat sleeves ride -up on her arm when it's on the armrest.

Other than that I am just getting ready for Christmas like everyone else. Well, sorry this is so short but my kids are getting into trouble!

December 12, 2005

Pink pink and more pink

Here's the finished product of the Breast Cancer awareness scarves. I like the pink fuzzy one myself! They were both extremely easy projects and helped me pass the time while DH was away.

Now I am trying to decide what to start on now. I really want to try my hand at socks but the local Michaels doesn't have any DPN small enough....or circular. So I think I will have to talk DH into a Christmas present for me. lol No diamonds please, just needles!

Other than that my life has been pretty boring. I have decided though that I am not working hard enough (roll eyes) so I have put an ad in the local paper for home daycare. Taking on 1 or 2 children will help suppliment our income when we most need it I think. That's the only thing I can think of to do to earn a little green.

So I will let y'all know if I have any "hits" on my classified ad within the next week.


December 08, 2005

Do we have snow, or rain?

So I look outside and I'm like, "Cool! Snow!" and then I run to get the camera to take a pic for you lovely people and no, not snow but rain. So it's a really nasty day today!!!! Frozen streets and I have to go get DD#1 from school in 2 hours!! least my truck has 4 wheel drive!!!

Soooo while the weather outside is frightful I have been inside knitting so delightful .... (what?)

I have finished the hat for my nephew and here's Bubbah being the model for you (I distracted him with the snow-rain)

And here's a scarf for MIL. I bought one of those kits that donates money to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. MIL's sister died from Infammatory breast cancer 4 years ago so this touches her and my hearts. BTW ladies! Have you done your monthly self-exam? Want to know how, click here

So I after this scarf is done I have another one (only with eyelash yarn) to make for SIL. Sooo many projects so little time!!

DH is away for the week for work and it so happened that he was in Detroit right when the Red Wings were playing so OF COURSE he had to go!!! And here I sit with loads of housework and screaming kids and he's "working" so hard! LOL I want a job like that!! Okay I have to give him credit he DID work for like 12 hours before he went to the hockey game....but still!

I am still trying to get FLYlady down pat. It really takes a month to begin new habits. And then I like to procrastinate and not clean. Then too there's knitting and crochet calling what's a girl to do?

December 05, 2005

Happy Holidays or Bah Humbug?

Well the tree is up and all the decorations are in place. Are you one of those people who feel "happy and gay" or sad around this time of year? It's bittersweet for me. Right now I am so thankful to God for having my DH with me this year and not in Iraq!!! But also I have made such good friends that I miss them terribly! We had such fun last year! Two of my closest buds spent the night with kids, dogs, and everything. We had a great time together celebrating Christ's birth. This year as I was putting up the tree I remembered all the good times we had together. And the bonds of friendship were made that much stronger because our hubbies were gone. I mean, we were all in the same situation struggling with the same fears, and we all became sisters. I don't have blood sisters but believe me this bond is just as strong if not stronger.

I am done with felted clogs #2! Well, pre-felted anyway. They are for my MIL and she isn't around to size them. I will post a pic when they are done. Also I just started a winter hat for my nephew. It's a varigated green/yellow/blue yarn from Red Heart. Yeah its crappy yarn but it's really cool colors so I can put up with the rough texture. I plan on making him and my son a matching hat and pair of mitts. Soooo when I am done there will be pix of those too. (as you can tell I am too lazy to post anything now!)

Sooo my Dh is gone for awhile so I am off to mickey-Dee's for dinner. They have a play-place to take the kids and get them outa my hair, um I mean let them play. LOL

November 23, 2005

School days....

Well my oldest DD has been really depressed about not seeing her old buds from Germany. A lot more sad than what DH and I had thought. So after about 2 months of discussion we decided to place her in a private Christian school that's run by our church. Its a great little school and her teacher is wonderful! Here are a few pix.

Man! You must think they super conservative with everyone in black dresses and aprons! LOL not! It's Thanksgiving and of course they *have* to dress the part of pilgrams and Native Americans!!

This is my DD in the purple coat w/out so much as a "good-bye" for Momma. sniff sniff...

And for those cat lovers (such as myself) out there, a parting shot of "grey ghost". He stuffed himself in the basket and was content for DD to carry him around. LOL too cute

November 16, 2005

Happy Feet!

Well, my DH's feet will be happy anyway. These are my first pair of felted clogs! As you can see my DH's fav color is black, followed by grey. LOL

I am in the process of making a second pair for my MIL. And then I am thinking of making a winter hat for my Bubbah. Allena made him a cutie hat when he was born and well, his noggin is a bit bigger now. LOL I tried it on him today and it looks more like a yammaka now. :-)

And of course I need to show off some pix of my DD #1's bday party! My lil Sweet Pea is now 5 yrs old! sniff sniff. I can't believe that!!! Anyway, she had a "princess party" where her friends came dressed guessed it...princesses!!!! It was a fun time...and girlie to the core!

And a final parting shot of my 2 newest cats. Sissie is the smaller one laying ontop of her bro. Cute!

November 08, 2005


So DH finally let the kids get some new additions to the family. LOL Here we have 2 6 month old kittens...Grey Ghost and his sister Sissie. They are the most snuggly cats I have ever had, and they are great with the kids...letting DS lay on them and pull their tails. Of course I try to teach him to "be nice!" but really, how "nice" can a 1 yr old be? They have no concept of anyone/anything outside of themselves at this stage of development.

I have finished one clog for Dh and have started on #2. I will post before/after pix for everyone to see! I also have another pair to make for MIL and some fingerless gloves for my mom. (anyone know of a good pattern for that?)

DH is gone again for a few days so I have the house to myself; well. besides the 3 rug-rats anyway. ;-) DD#1 is turing 5 on Friday! Sniff sniff I can't believe my first born is getting so BIG! But now that she's older planning parties becomes more involved. When she was younger it was easy...a few balloons for entertainment and cake and she was good. NOW she wants certain friends and a theme and games. Phew! But it makes it more fun for me too....this year it's a dress-up party with a princess/Barbie fairytopia theme. Everyone is coming in their best dress-up clothes. We are making Princess hats and playing some games. Lunch will be provided tea-party style, if it's nice then outdoors as well. I figured i'd make little finger sandwiches and cut them out into shapes. Some cheese and veggies with dip and of course punch. I think I am as excited as she is! and everything is made MUCH easier for me cause I ordered a party kit from I love that site! Everything you need at your fingertips!

Well, speaking of rug-rats...I have to go see what they are tearing up now! LOL TTYL

November 02, 2005

Ok so I'm not that great of a blogger

You would never believe that I used to have a journal in high school and wrote in it everyday!!! It seems as though that phase of my life is over because as you can see, it's been a month since I have felt the need to update this thing. But who am I writing to anyway? ECHO!! Is anyone out there? LOL I am sure if I ever had any "fans" out there they are long gone by now...tired of waiting for SOMEthing to happen

Well it's past midnight and here I sit. My DH is gone again with his job and I am here with the laundry to keep me company (yawn). I have been a little overwhelmed with housework lately so I joined the "Flylady" group that sends you regular emails every 5 seconds to remind you to do this or that or to take a break or do your dusting or whatever. It gives me ideas as to what to do around here....for instance I have quite forgotten to turn and flip the mattress until the email told me too. :-)

My son just had his first birthday sniff sniff. No longer is he my little baby. I wonder if I will ever have any more babies. I don't know why I am so insane but I am still holding out hope that God will bless us again with another kid. Most days though I think I need mental help feeling that way, but perhaps it's just the estrogen talking, who knows. My DH is adament about NO MORE rug rats!!! He says he "can't handle it". Can't handle what? He's been gone 85% of our marriage. The jist of taking care of his son is 10 minutes of play-time at night.

Granted I am not complaining about's good ole Uncle Sam that is always calling him away. Well, maybe after he get's out of the Army he can have a more "involved" roll in the kids' lives.

I have not been slacking in the knitting dept like I have in the blogger world! I have been working on my second felted creation ever....a pair of clog slippers for my DH's tired feet. I have one almost complete already in only 3 days time. (and that's with taking care of the 3 youngins and all that scheduled housework I told you about. Flylady doesn't have an email reminder for knitting....hence my nightowl syndrome). I will post a pic of my project when I get around to it. LOL

Well, I should get to bed and get some beautyrest. I need all the help I can get in that dept.!!!

September 22, 2005


Okay so I felted this morning....very simple process! Although I did a marathon running up and down my stairs checking on it every 5 minutes! LOL It is currently drying on my deck as you can see. I can't wait to try it out! As I said before, if anyone would like to PURCHASE this wonderful pattern for a VERY simple yet chic bag please email my friend at Star Knits.

You can see in the backgroud that my DD is ready for swimming! I threw all the kiddos (but the baby) outdoors to get out of my I mean go have some fun. LOL J/K

We have story hour at the library later which is always fun too. Crafts and a vid and of course, the story. Other than that it's back to the ole routine of housework. Now what am I going to do with my time now that the bag is finished? I DO have that sock yarn.... :-)

September 21, 2005

My bag is almost done!

Here see! I HAVE been doing something constructive! LOL I am almost done with the bag and am ready to start felting it today. shiver shiver shake shake....I have never felted anything before so I am a bit nervous. But I think it's probably easier than it was to crochet this bag so I should be fine. If nothing else I'll shrink it to a little coin purse or not really. so here is a picture for you to see my "cafe au lait' purse.

Also there was a kids fair on post here that we went to this past weekend. It was FREE and a lot of fun, Did I mention FREE? We are low on $$ this month so anything FREE is awesome! LOL One of the Chapels on post was hosting it and they put a lot of work into it. FREE food and dessert (cotton candy, sno cones, and popcorn) A jumping castle, face painting, petting zoo and craft table. It was small but just right for our little ones.

Here's a pic of my little man STANDING next to a miniature horse. Yes I said standing! The little guy is on the move! No more of this crawling biz...he's almost running now!

And here's my oldest DD standing next to the cute little horse too! A little too short for her to ride though!

And here's my middlest DD in the jumping castle. She had a good time too...bumping into everything and

And a final parting shot of the back of my head...LOL that's all you get of my ugly mug. J/K

September 14, 2005

felting for the first time!

Ok so for those of you reading who don't know what felting's when you knit/crochet in 100% wool and then throw it in some hot water to shrink it. The stitches are closed so -to-speak (ie no gaps) and you have a nice thick new fabric (kinda like when you accidentally shrink a sweater).

Anyways, I am testing out a pattern for a friend. When it's perfected feel free to stop over to starknits and order one! It's a really cute shoulder bag and so far it's really easy for a novice like me! I am trying to do it in a cafe au lait color skeem as Allena and I used to spend a lot of time talking over coffee. Mmmm Coffee.... I digress

Life over yonder hasn't been to exciting. My SIL come for the weekend so my kiddos got to hang out with their cousin. He's 18 months old and oh so cute! We had DH BBQ us some delicious ribs and let the kiddos run around in the sprinklers.

Well my kiddos are screaming over a toy so I'd better wrap this up. TTYL

August 29, 2005

Where am I?

Clenaing, homeschool, and general fooling around. Saturday, my DH had a BBQ for about 4 single soldiers he was with in Iraq. It was nice for him to be able to talk and BS with them again. I invited another wife over so I had someone to talk to and her boy and my kiddos got to play and get into mischief.

THUNDERSTORMS jeez we had a whopper yesterday and are expected to have more for the rest of the week. DH and I are praying for those of you in New Orleans. I can't imagine the chaos and panic.

I am still plugging away at that sundress. I started one of the sleeves!!! Go me! LOL

anyway, I know my blog is boring...sorry. I guess I am pretty boring right now too.

August 16, 2005

Can't forget them...

Here's a pic of my other kids....DD#1 is showing off her new dry erase board. And you can see her new computer/school desk behind her.

DD#2 just learned to pee in the potty and so she got to have her ears pierced so here's a blurry picture of her new "look" LOL

August 15, 2005

more progress

So I have been crocheting away and have *just* begun the armhole shaping. Exciting, isn't it? LOL I like the colors a lot and I will have plenty of time to crochet this week as my hubby has to go away for his job for a dew days. :-( This is the first time we have been apart since he came back from Iraq so I am a little unnerved. I am hoping it won't bring back too many memories of being alone so many nights. I am very blessed though that he got a job that only takes him away for a few days here and there. I have 2 friends whose hubbys are going back to combat very soon. I am praying hard for them as I can't imagine having to face that ever again. Esp without the suuport system I had in Germany. Allena and all my other friends are the glue that held my psyche together that whole time (and a lot of reassurance from God that He had everything under control). I do miss the times my girlfriends and I shared. We all have kiddos the same age so we all would hangout together and let the kids have at it. :-)

So I will be taking more pix after DH goes...a few quiet nights with just me and the crochet hook should make for some good progress!

And here's a parting shot of my "little Bubbah" crawling up wanting attention...

August 12, 2005


For those of you who appreciate fish-keeping, here's a few pics of my 2 fish tanks. The first is a 100 gal fresh water tank. All we have in there right now is a common plecostomas and 6 zebra danios. Dh and I would like to get a ghost knife, a snowflake freshwater eel, a fire eel, and poss a gar or other cool fish. He really wanted a tiger striped shovelnosed cat fish but those things get over a foot long and would need a bigger tank. He also had his eye on fresh water sting rays, but they are like $180-250!!!

The pentagon tank is our 45 gal salt water tank. It's been cycling for almost a month now and *just* finished so last night we went out and bought our first fish!! It's a saddleback valentini puffer fish and he's really cute with beautiful green eyes. He's the blurry thing in front of the rocks. :-) A personable little fellow already. We also got 2 pretty cleaner shrimp but they were hiding so no pix for you!

Pictures anyone?

Ok so it has been brought to my attention that I need to post some pictures....until now I haven't because I didn't want to upload picasa onto my hubby's puter. God forbid I ever put anything on there he doesn't want... my daughter and I usually share another computer so I won't "mess up" his (for those of you married to computer geeks, you will understand it's much easier to have your own than mess with their stuff). but our other computer is still in a box. We are waiting to buy our daughter a computer desk for it b4 we get her up and running.

So, like I's picture time! (I love that blogger has an "upload pix" program now!!)

Here's Retard Rabbit....ole blindy never got any eyes poor soul.

Here's what I have been working on since yesterday morning. It's the bottom back of a 12month size sun dress for a friend who's due at the end of October. So far so good. It's going to be white and lavendar like I said. She has strictly said NO PINK (like ANOTHER preggers friend I have...."don't let your babies grow up to be girly-girls" <--- Me singing very badly)

This is that whole YOH business. It was a little more complicated than that so don't think of me as too much of a The directions were (and I quote) "CH 3. 2 dc cluster in top of last dc worked. Miss next 3 dc. 3 dc cluster in mext dc. Ch 3. 2 dc cluster in top of last 3 dc cluster worked. Miss next 3 dc. 1 dc in each of next 4 dc. Rep from *" Now for those of you who have crocheted before I am sure this is too easy. But remember now I was the one who didn't know what a YOH was!! I was trying to figure out the 2 and 3 dc cluster and had to look that up online. But now as you can see I am in the groove now....on like row 9 or 10 as I dc away trying to make this piece 10" long before tackling adding another color and shaping the arms and neck...wish me luck!!!

August 11, 2005

Crochet anyone?

So I finally started another project! Although, being a novice to crochet I don't wonder if I bit off more than I could chew. It's an intermediate (in difficulty) pattern for a dress, hat, and booties set. I have a friend in WV that is preggers with a girl and I am attempting to make something nice for her. So far, like a moron, I have already had to look up YOH......duhhh I thought it meant "yarn over half" or something. "yarn over hook" is basically YO in knitting terms. Like I said, having to learn what the directions mean makes me think I am going to have an interesting time trying to figure this out. I wish my friend, Allena were here! (sniff sniff)

But anyways I am in row 3 of this dress....which is going to be purple and white. I think it's a cute pattern, I just hope it looks SOMEthing like the pic when it's done. Wish me luck!!!

Speaking of Crochet, remember those little animals I was talking about? Well I made a bunny for my oldest. I didn't make any eyes for it though so it's like a blind bunny. LOL But she seems to like it anyway.

DD#2 who is 2 1/2 went to the potty for the first time the other day. So she's wearing panties in the day and diapers at night. We have been trying on and off to potty train her but finally the other day my DH was like "we have GOT to get her trained!" I mean, when the kid can practically change her own diaper it's time, don't you think?? :-)

Anyways, enough chit to go work out

August 03, 2005

Another day another dollar

Hey all of you puter geeks! :-) I am still struggling with that salt water tank. There are many things involved with this hobby....and MONEY!!! I can't believe how much moola can be blown getting everything for the stinkin fish. And there's so much involved...not just add salt, water and fish and PRESTO you have a mini reef.....nooooo you need to get the salility *just* right. then there's the sand bed and "live rock" (with little critters inc.) then you have to worry about the pH and Nitrites and NitrAtes and Ammonia and and and....then suppliments to the water if you have corals....whew! I swear I feel like I am getting a marine biology degree just in researching all of this!

Anyway that is consuming most of my thoughts at the moment. My DH is working his new job. Instead of being out doors running around blowing up stuff he's stuck in a cubicle trying to design the machines that blow up stuff. Still cool but the fact of being behind a desk all day wears him out. I haven't been to work in years and am afraid myself of my attitudes when I have to go to work. I have been around my kids so much that I think it would be really difficult for me. I have to say that I have been really blessed to be able to be at home raising the kiddos.

DD#1 starts kindergarten soon!! Her bday isn't until after the cut-off age for public school and we had planned on homeschoolng her anyway. I bought Sonlight's curriculum. We tried their preschool program and I do like it. Alot of reading stories and the workbooks are really helpful in teaching the kids to think and learn how to read and count etc.

I am trying to get back into shape as well....whipping out the Pilates DVD's and Tae Bo and Walk away the Pounds. I have to say that a friend saved me from the torture of Tae Bo today! I *just* got the tape in when the door bell rings....hallelujah!! LOL

August 02, 2005

Salt water fish tanks?

So does anyone out there know ANYthing about salt water tanks? I am trying to get one started and so far it seems to be a pain in the rear. I have had plenty of fresh water tanks before with no problem but this is totally different and more involved.

I am talking about fish tanks because honestly I have not picked up a crochet hook or knitting needle in some time. My Dh and I have been super busy with home-improvement projects. Last weekend he spent like 10 hours building a huge shelving unit in the garage. you could park a car on that thing and it would hold it. He's awsom with things like that. Actually he's awsome at just about anything (little plug-in for DH there! LOL)

My DS is cutting more teeth and one is coming in through a blood blister...ouchie! Poor guy The girls are ok just lonely. Since there aren't any kids around they are going crazy for a friend. Sunday we tried out a new church and DD#1 was immedietly drawn to the 2 othe girls there. Wanting some kind of interaction with someone other than her kid sister I am sure! LOL

I am doing fine. We are getting things together for a garage sale and among the junk err ummm merchandise (smile) are all of our baby supplies and toys and things. I am a little sad to finally be getting rid of everything, it makes me feel like an old longer in the "child bearing" category. But you figure with 3 already it get's tough. I can't imagine adding a 4th to the flock.

Anyways, soon I will get this blog up to date and get the template how I like etc. IF I have any time that is!! All this unpacking and fixing and whatnot has left me little time to breathe let alone sit and clack at the puter.


July 18, 2005


So here we are in our new house with a giant "to do" list. You know how it is when you move into a new place...there are certain things that have to be done to make it "yours". well the room my 2 girlies share right now is like a deep red color (the previous owner painted it). They hate it so we went out and bought something they could live with. And now we have a purple room. LOL I still have my red room too as I talked the girls into moving into a bedroom that had a cream color on the walls (a lot easier to paint over that the red).

I am *trying* to be all creative and artsy and figure out something cool for the girls. I have been oggling over the HGTV website. They have some cute ideas!! I think I am going to paint some butterflies and some flowers on the wall after I'm done. Then head to "Bed bath and Beyond" for accessories! LOL you'd think I was decorating my own room! It's fun I just wish I had some kind of artistic talent then this whole process would be much easier.

I want to start crocheting more now that I have figured it out. My friend made some really cute animals that I'd like to try.

Anyways, I have kids running around getting into stuff while I sit on my butt I will blog another day.

July 15, 2005

I CAN Crochet!!

okay so I think I finally have a handle on this whole crochet business. I started a little handbag for my daughter the other day and I actually FINISHED it! LOL Amazing, isn't it? Well, if you would have seen me trying to learn to crochet the first time it WOULD be amazing! I swear my brain must have been on "retard mode" that day or something. My church was having a "Ladies Night" and we were all learning to crochet. Well, everyone was making these great potholders and here I was with this thing that looked like it could be a really fat shoelace or maybe a Barbie apron (if you REEALLY stretched your imagination! LOL so I gave that up real quick.

So I move onto knitting and voila it's SO much easier! Two needles instead of a little weird hook...I can deal with this! So I spend the next 4 months knitting to my hearts content. Until I had to move that is. Here I was facing a 9 hours flight over the Atlantic and I couldn't take my knitting needles. So reluctantly I pick up the dreaded hook again and buy myself a "how to crochet for complete morons" and spend most of the flight trying to learn the elusive art.

Anyways...long story short I managed to practice a lot of stitches but never really made anything recognisable. UNTIL today that is!! LOL

Anyways, here is my little DD#1 just woke up so pardon the bedhead look! :-)

July 14, 2005

back from the dead!

Well I am FINALLY updating this thing once again! We just got cable internet (yeah for high speed!!!) hooked up. None of our other stuff is here so i am sitting here on the floor with the puter sitting on a cardboard box of a desk. We ended up buying a house and i love it! It's not exactly our "dream" home but really who can afford that? We like it...enough room for all 3 kids and all our junk, I mean, furniture. Seriously, it's strange how much you get used to having nothing. i am looking forward to a few select things (ie kithen stuff and BED) but everything else is going to go through a major purging! Can we say "garage sale"? LOL

as far as knitting....I have been drewling over the yarn selection at Wal mart. I know that's not a REAL selection but come on...coming from an Army post in Germany it sure looks stunning to see a WALL of yarn instead of a little box or cubby full of like a 20 skein selection. I am itching to get my hands on some wool and make some clog slippers for my DH. Right now I only have like 1 1/2 skeins of yarn in my whole house; pretty pathetic, huh? So I couldn't stand it any longer and picked up my dark blue yarn that my best friend Allena (of gave me b4 I left. I whipped out my crochet hook and my "how to crochet for idiots" book and a way I went. (actually it's how to crochet for pre-teens so there's like a scrunchie pattern and a vest and scarf and bracelet) I decided on a small purse. I guess I will give it to my girls or something. I wouldn't really do this in the color I have but I was desperate people! LOL

There are too many home improvement projects to keep me busy so I need to make time to knit and crocheting. I have several pregnant friends so I am really needing to get my butt in gear! Knitting is like the Perfect thing for baby gifts!!! I wish I would have learned it years ago. I am very grateful to Allena as she is the one who helped me learn.

But anyway it's like 5am here so I'd best be getting back to bed. Bloggin while I am supposed to be sleeping is a BAD thing!!! 3 hours later and ooppss there goes my beauty rest!

June 10, 2005

Hello from the States...

So we are no longer in Germany but have moved to the good ole USofA. It's been a long hard road so far. I miss my friends from Germany terribly but a new adventure or "chapter" (as DH calls it)has arrived. I know I was really apprehensive coming to Ft Hood when we moved there in 2000. But it was a great time and I found a good church and grew considerably in Christ. Now here I find myself in the same boat, excited and scared and lonely all at the same time. My friends and I write in an email group so it's nice to be able to "talk" once in awhile.

As far as knitting, I have made like 3 pair of booties and 2 1/2 hats for 3 little girls that have been or will be born this year. I am excited to go to a LYS and see all the selection. So if you walk in one day looking for a skein or 2 and find a woman standing there in the isle, staring with eyes open wide and drewl floating then it's probably me (smile).

OH! Exciting thing, we are in the process of buying our first house!! SCARY! I can't believe we are taking on something so much bigger than we have ever had before. It's exciting to think that it will be OURS (well after we pay the bank off in 30 yrs). and nerve wracking too to think of all that debt. But we have prayed through the entire process and I know God is behind us.

It has been nice to see all the family but we are ready to move into our new home. Living out of suitcases can be tiresome! Well, here I am complaining away sheesh. Sorry I am not a whiner really! LOL You know how it is though....there's no place like home and if you don't have a home it kinda sux.

Hello to all my buds out there I miss you somethin awful and can't wait to knit/crochet together again. I will post some pix of our adventure as soon as I can.

May 09, 2005

More rain...

So rain rain and more rain. Sometimes I really hate German weather. I am from sunny Cali so it really get's me down when I don't have any sun for days or weeks at a time.

I am SO excited (change subject) I actually finished my first baby bootie!! LOL (me doing the happy dance). For some reason I thought it would be really difficult like the sock I tried a few months ago but suprise suprise I did it. DH was just staring at it amazed that I could make something like that. Now I just need to finish the other and the petal hat for my other friend; right on time too because she is on the verge of having her baby.

On a sad note we are coming closer and closer to PCS-ing (permanent change of station for all you non-military types). Just 19 more days and we will be in the states. On one hand I am excited to see my homeland since it's bee over 2 years since I have set foot in the good ole USofA. But on the other hand I have my some of my best friends here. And DEF the best church I have ever found! The church just got done moving to a bigger fascility to everything is new and much nicer. I am excited and wish I could stay to enjoy the bigger building.

I have to hook up my camera and then I can post my 100 pix that I have been meaning to post for like, forever. But I must go for now as my oldest DD has school and ballet today. Happy blogging

April 25, 2005


It's raining and overcast today and of course I have 1001 chores to do and am totally NOT motivated! You know those days where you just want to sit on your duff and do nothing? That's me! LOL

I started another petal hat for my other preggers friend. I need to find some DPN (double pointed needles) so i can attempt my hand at booties. I haven't been able to find any so far here on post (suprise suprise) so perhaps I need to bite the bullet and order some online.

My little man has a cold and consequently developed an ear infection so we have to force-feed him the lovely pink amoxicilin 4 times a day. He doesn't care for it too much so coughing and spitting tends to spread it everywhere but his mouth. lol My oldest daughter is doing well with her preschool and we are almost done with it.

Well, speaking of school we just finished and now have to get ready for her ballet ttyl!

April 17, 2005

This is the "Petal Hat" I made for my friend. I am making another for ANOTHER preggers lady that's due in like 2 weeks. I gave up on that cardigen...this yarn was originally for that but it was frogged and I made this instead. I like how it turned out....very girlie but not too girlie.  Posted by Hello

April 16, 2005

Here are the stitch markers that my SP made for me....I LOVE the color blue!! Posted by Hello

Here is that awesome bracelet! My SP's friend makes these with semi-precious stones. It's so pretty I love it!! Posted by Hello

This is the latest present from my secret pal! Two skeins of some beautiful blue cotton yarn; a book called "abounding faith", some 'K' post-it notes (love them BTW!!!) some stitch holders and a "knit" bracelet which is beautiful! (I am wearing it as I type!!!!) Thankyou SOOOO much Secret Pal!!! Posted by Hello

Finally finished something!

I have been in a knitting FUNK lately! I haven't wanted to pick up the needles for a long time. But I have 2 friends that are due next month so I HAD to make something. So I found this pretty patter for a "Petal Hat" on and I actually FINISHED it!!! LOL It turned out really well and I wish I had a little girl to make one for....but alas my boy wouldn't wouldn't look good in pink. I want to knit him some slippers or something, but that will have to wait for the fall because it's getting dang hot here lately. When one has been used to 35 degree weather for so long, when it jumps to 65-70 it feels like a heat wave!

I am trying to knit my friend some mittens for her baby to match the hat. But the pattern I used was "jacked up" as my DH would say and it didn't turn out very well. So I have to find a new one...or if I was smart I would just make up my own pattern.

Anyway DH wants me to go spend some quality time with him on the couch watching "Small Ville" so i'd better go....can't wait for season 4!!!

Happy blogging

April 08, 2005

Back from the dead

Where have I been you might ask??? Nothing exciting, just mundane everyday work. It seems to have doubled since DH came home for some reason. So laundry and kiddos rule the roost at the moment!

And to my Secret Pal~~ Yes I did get the box and LOVE everything!!! I would post a pic for all to see but DH has built a new puter and that has the camera dock and program on there. I am using the ole stand by puter now so I can actually get online now and then. )Those of you married to computer geeks will understand this! LOL) But anyways, she sent me 2 skeins of this lovely blue cotton yarn! And I am itching to make something with it!! Blue is my fav. color! She also sent me some BLUE stitch markers and a BLUE bracelet; and a little book of faith. OH! and some post-it notes in the shape of a 'K' which is too cool!! Thank you secret pal!!!!!

I totally frogged that cardigen I was working on. I just am retarded or something cause I kept trying to get it right and nothing was working. SO , I have moved on to making a hat. It's called a "petal hat" and looks really pretty and feminine. Liek I said I WOULD post a pic, but.....

Everything else is going smoothly. DH and I are having a blast being back together. Now comes the fun part of moving back to the states. We are waiting for orders to ship everything, and trying to find a house to buy (scary!!!!). Having to take on a morgage is a scary thing!!! But I know God is there and will help us in finding one and eveything. Just have to stay on track with what He wants for us and not get clouded with what WE want.

I joined a knitting circle last month and am looking forward to going again. It was nice to sit and knit with people far more experienced than me. I am hoping some of their wisdom and knitting abilities will rub off on me! LOL

well, we are going swimming today at the local pool, so I must pry my hands away from the keyboard and get ready. LOL I hope to be posting pix soon. I need to get with my friend to figure out how to post more than 1 pic in a post.

God Bless

March 09, 2005

home Sweet home

I think my husband and I are really starting to mesh as a family again. I am still so relieved and so thankful to God that He brought my DH back to me! The girls are head-over-heels for Daddy and my DS loves him too (another man in the house besides the dog! LOL)

The snow is starting to melt...and we had a day of sun last week! I know I complained about the cold weather and no snow but now it's time to complain about no sun! That one day made me realize how much I've missed sunshine and warmth! lol I am originally from California so I MISS THE SUN!

DS rolled over for the first time this past Saturday! I am so proud of the little guy! He also sits up really well if you prop him. No teeth yet although he's a drooling fool; and YUCK! I HATE drool!!! x-(

The baby cardigen was going alright until i realized I must have messed up. I was doing the neck shaping and it sid to continue in the pattern until the piece was 7 1/2 inches from the beginning. well I think I was measuring from somewhere other than the beginning because the "neck" now dips WAY too far down! Ah well the baby isn't due until May so i have time!

March 03, 2005

I've been tagged!!!

Here's my little survey from Allena of!

1 How much space is left on your TIVO?
What's a TiVo? J/K we, being over here in Germany don't have a TiVo but perhaps when we get back to the states...which is coming up soon!! Oh I miss cable I am looking forward to HGTV and TLC and the Discovery Channel!!!

2 Have you ever bought a tv series, if so which ones?
Yes, "Everybody loves Raymond", "SmallVille", "The Family Guy" (husband's choice), and "Gillmore Girls". I got DH hooked on "SmallVille" and I am looking forward to the 4th season! I like "Gillmore Girls" when I am feeling esp girlie, although it always makes me want to drink a lot of java! LOL

3 what was the last tv show you watched before this post?
"Blind Date" last night. That show cracks me up! I swear I have never seen so many ditzy, drunk, horney, just plain weird people in my LIFE!!

4 what 5 tv shows can't you live with out.....
Ummm "Amazing Race" (which BTW I am greatly looking forward to the new season starting on the 6th!!); "Blind Date" is good for a few laughs; I used to watch all those blood and guts ER and medical shows on TLC so anything like that is cool; "SmallVille" cause Super man is the bomb! LOL; ummm I don't watch too much TV so I have to think. I guess "Trading Spaces" is neat to watch. I could use some decorating ideas!

5 who are 3 people you're going to tag....I only know Allena who has a blog so I guess no one! LOL I am a sad little person with no friends! J/K!!

March 02, 2005

Here is my sexy hubby back from iraq! You can tell we are both ecstatic to see one another! Those smiles are breaking our cheeks off! LOL I am SOOOOOO happy he's here. That's the back of my boy's head. Poor thing was screaming through the whole "welcome home" ceremony. It was too loud with all those crazy ladies screaming lol. look how white I am compared to him! It's like 13 degrees here and he came from 65 in the sand. Oh how I miss the sun!!! Posted by Hello

Busy busy!

My Dh has been back from Iraq for a week! I am so happy to have him home, as are the kiddos! LOL we are trying to readjust to being a family again. It has been a bumpy road already, but I know God is with us helping us as we go! My daughters are sooooo happy to have him here and my son is all smiles (although it's a rare occasion when he ISN'T smiling) The girls are constantly climbing all over him and bugging him, but I know he loves it!

I am still working on that cardigen for my friend. I have the back 1/2 way done. With DH being here I don't find as much time to knit as I used to have. But I am still trying to sneak it in here and there! LOL Once you learn to knit it seems like you ALWAYS need to have a project going. after this I need to make something else for another friend's baby!

Well I will post some more pics soon! Happy Blogging!

February 18, 2005

WOW! My SP is the bomb! This is what I received the other day! So awsome that she thought of my kiddos too! A Beauty and the Beast book for DD#1, a counting book for DD#2 and a stegasaurus blanket for my son! Chocolate, soap, a pretty pattern and some purple cotton yarn for me; and of course, a lovely letter! Whoever you are, thank you!!!! Posted by Hello

February 11, 2005

Here I am with my son and DD#2 opeing a present at my birthday dinner! My oldest DD is off playing with her friends. Posted by Hello

A rainy day...

Well, I had some excitment first thing this morning! Last night we had a convoy of people going out to eat for my birthday and one of my friends got her truck stuck in the mud/ice. So this morning we go out to where the truck was and push it through. I was covered in mud by the time I finished. It was an accomplishment I have to say! Without our hubbies around we CAN take care of ouselves! LOL

Speaking of hubbies, my DH called the other day and said we'll be moving to Ft Knox in the summer. I am scared and nervous and excited all at once. I am very sad to leave my friends and my great church. This has been the best 2 years of my life! I can't believe how mush I have grown as a Christian and a person! I have made friends for life and it will break my heart to leave them. Like I said, we all got together for my b-day dinner and I looked around at the table and almost cried thinking of how sweet that moment was. You know when you are so happy and content and then the moment is gone? And even though my heart has been torn in 2 thinking of my DH at war, God has healed me through His word and through my friends. Our husbands have forged a bond together in combat that will never be broken. They are brothers in arms forever. I believe the same of my girlfriends here. They are my "Sisters in Arms" and our bond is much stronger than an "ordinary" friendship. We already are planning yearly get-togethers back in the US.

Anyway, onto a less emotion-ladden topic lol. I have started a cardigen for a friend who's due in May. I am hoping that it's not too complicated! She said no pink, but the yarn I have is a varigated pink,green, blue, yellow, so I hope she likes it! I still haven't picked up DD#2's socks yet. The yarn is sitting in my bag waiting.

Well, my precious baby boy just woke up. Happy Blogging!!

February 06, 2005

Happy Anniversary to me!

Happy Anniversary to me! It was my 6th year anniversay last month. My wonderful, sexy husband sent me roses all the way from Iraq! It was sad being apart from him but the flowers were so sweet! And that is my dog, Frosty in the background lounging on the couch! LOL

I am sorry I haven't posted in a long time! The girls have been sick and so I have been busy caring for them. I had to take DD#2 to the hospital the other night as she spiked a 104.7 fever! They drew blood and said it was a virus and I could treat it here. She's had this bug for 3 days now. I pray she can get over it soon! DD#1 also has a similar virus (but without the fever). So my DS and I are the only ones who are healthy at the moment!

I also apologise for not letting anyone post a comment anymore. I have had a problem with a nasty troll. So from now on if you would like access to post a comment, email me and I can invite you to become a member. It's pretty sad when I have to restrict my own little blog.

I gave up on those socks I was knitting and did a pair of mittens for DD#2 instead. I will go back to them now, I just kept getting frustrated as I would lose my count in the ribbing and it looked all fuddled up. Oh well, I will get this eventually! Posted by Hello

January 26, 2005

Blah Blah Blah

I wonder if anyone is reading this? I have kinda put my socks to the side for now. I am in a rut and just don't want to deal with it at the moment. Probably because my DD#1 is sick with some kind of stomach bug. She went to the doctor today and he said it was a 24 hr virus thingy. I hope so, she's so skinny naturally that she doesn't have any poundage to lose.

I am kinda down lately too that I haven't heard anything from my husband in the last few days. I pray he's doing alright. I always get down when I go for an extended period of time not hearing from him. It's so hard, esp now at the end of the deployment. I just want him home already.

Well, my SmallVille episode is over so I should hit the rack (as my dear hubby would say). DD #1 has a dentist appointment in 6 hours! Yikes! g'night!

My Secret Sister Survey!

1. Are you a yarn snob (do you prefer high- a nd/natural fibers)? Do you avoid Red Heart and Lion Brand? Or is it all the same to you? I don’t really care for Red Heart….I have really enjoyed Bernat. But I am a NEW newbie at knitting and have not tried many brands!

2. Do you spin? Crochet? I’d love to learn both! I tried crochet once and failed miserably.

3. Do you have any allergies? (smoke, pets, fibers, perfume, etc.) Rabbits…or rodents in general (weird I know!) But I get an asthmatic-like reaction when I am around them (sad cause I have always wanted a bunny).

4. How long have you been knitting? Umm…like 4 months! LOL So any help, tips, etc are VERY much needed/appreciated.

5. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list? no but I will soon!

6. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products etc.) ummm..i love sugar cookie, and lavendar

7. Do you have a sweet tooth? YES! milk chocolate is the bomb!!

8. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? sewing, reading (well, I used to read b4 I had kids! LOL), gardening (extreme novice here!), candle-making, rubber stamping and card making, cooking

9. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD) Yes I can play MP3’s…I listen to Christian music…alternative, rock, (ie DC Talk, FFH, MWS, Jenny Velasquez)

10. What's your favorite color? Or--do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer? I always seem to wear blue’s and purples…I like any color really but more into “girlie” colors My fav. season is Fall

11. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets? My DH is Army. I have 2 DD (4 and 2) and one DS (4 months). we live in army housing. Our pets include a siamese cat, an American Eskimo and some fish.

12. What are your life dreams? (really stretching it here, I know) Ummm…when I was a teenage I always aspired to be a veterinarian. But now that I am a Mom I would like to raise my children as the Lord would have me. I am homeschooling my oldest daughter and love it! I am excited to see what He has in mind. I would like to go to college someday. I don’t really know what He has in mind but I trust that it will be great!

13. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? like I said I am an extreme newbie so I have not worked with much. The faux fur is fun. I am attempting my hand at socks at the moment and am confused already!

14. What fibers do you absolutely *not* like? anything rough and scratchie! LOL

15. What is/are your current knitting obsession/s? I don’t have any right now. Just knitting in general! You know how it is once you start you can’t stop!

16. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit? I was happy with the hats I had made. If I get these socks I think that might be my new obscession

17. What are you knitting right now? SOCKS! LOL

18. What do you think about ponchos? Love ‘em and would love to make one for my Mom and me!

19. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Straight for the most part. Although my friend has introduced me to knitting in the round so there is no seam on hats and things.

20. Bamboo, aluminum, plastic? I have aluminum and bamboo. I think I like the aluminum ones better.

21. Are you a sock knitter? See above!

22. How did you learn to knit? From the $7 “Learn to Knit” CD on! (and my friend who turned me onto Knitting!)

23. How old is your oldest UFO? What?!

24. What is your favorite animated character or a favorite animal/bird? My favorite animated character is SpongeBob SquarePants. My favorite animal is a tie between cats and horses (a girl always dreams of horses ya know!) Bird-for a pet it would have to be a peach faced lovebird. I had one when I was a teenager and loved him to bits!

25. What is your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving and Christmas is a close second!

26. Is there anything that you collect? I am starting to collect lanturns my other friend got me hooked. She had them hung all over the ceiling in her bedroom, it was gorgeous

January 23, 2005

this is the scarf that I made for my oldest daughter! I have a matching hat as well. I like the varigated yarn, it looks so pretty. After I FINALLY get those socks done I am going to make DD #2a pair of mittens. Posted by Hello